Saturday, December 6, 2008

5 year ago . . . .

I had my first miscarriage. That is not a something that many people will remember but I will always remember it. The feelings associated with a miscarriage are so difficult to explain that is a loss that I still feel today 5 years later. Yes, it is easier however, it is still a sad day.

Although a sad day without it our lives would be completely different. Our wedding day started our journey towards building a family, 5 years ago we would have never known the winding, twisting road that would lie ahead to finally bring our family together. Although there were times I would doubt God or wondered if he existed why we would have to hurt so much, I will never doubt him again.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Surprise . . .

Hello out there.

I know it has been a little over a year and so many things have happened. I don't think I could possibly do a year in review any justice at this point however throughout the next couple of weeks I will try.

Many of you may want to know where I have been? The answer is quite simply I have been in Michigan adjusting to be a mom to two wonderful boys. ADJUSTING it the word for the year. Adjusting . . . .to being a mom, to having Mark work second shift, to going back to work part-time and eventually full-time, having three grandparents die within 8 months and just living. It seems as soon as we thought we were adjusted to one set of circumstances things would change again and we would be adjusting again.

It is hard to believe the boys have been home for a year, however it is also hard to believe that there was a time that they were not here. Kaleab and Isaac are both doing wonderful. I will give you more specifics on each of them in the days to come.

I will leave you with a couple of pictures of the boys. . . .