Saturday, November 17, 2007

Update from Addis

Here is what Wendy has to say -

Hello all,

The last several days have been extremely hectic and exhausting. On Wednesday, I was sick (must have been something I ate) which left Char and Mark to care for the boys. Since the last e-mail, things have not been going as smoothly as we would have liked it to go with Kaleab. On Tuesday night, he screamed 2 1/2 hours straight until I took him to the front desk so that the doorman and Alex could calm him down. However, as soon as I got him back upstairs, he started to cry all over again. Now we are on a first name basis with the staff at the Sidama Lodge and they come up almost every night to help us with Kaleab. We can tell that it will be a very hard transition for him -- so when we get home, do not feel bad if he will not come to you for it may take a while - hopefully by then Mark and I will be able to comfort him.

Other than that, everything else is going better. We went to the orphanage today to meet Kaleab's dad and unfortunately he did not show. We also found out that our boys never received our care packages that we sent. (Marissa, don't worry about your children, we were there when they opened their care packages.) Also, at the orphanage today Mark handed out a banana & orange to every child there and to the caretakes as well.

I should be going for now.

See you all soon.

Wendy, Mark, Char and the boys


Deanna said...

Man, that is tough. It will straighten out though. Eventually this transition will be a faint memory. Such a blessing to have the people at the guest house there to help.

I ran into a similar issue with the care package. I am glad you were able to push the issue with Marissa's packages.

You guys are in our prayers!

kikstra said...

Yes, like Deanna said, I'm sure things will improve with little Kaleab as he grows to trust you, we'll keep praying for you and the boys! Glad you're feeling better. Oh, that care package thing has got to be frustrating!

Denise Bryant said...

I'm praying for you right now and for Kaleab. :( I agree with Deanna that it will soon be a faint memory and probably one you can look back and smile at, but now it's got to be tough.

Ted and Jill said...

Wow, it sounds like a trying time right now for all of you. My prayers are with you. I may need a lot of advice from you on the bonding with a toddler. I am sure you will have it all figured out by the time I need it :)

Beth said...

My thoughts are with you to aid Kaleab through his healing. I suspect it is truly not possible for us to understand what their experience is.